Torah Commentary

Prayer: Service Of The Heart

Abraham's servant teaches us the power of spontaneous prayer, a concept that challenges our contemporary focus on consistency and conformity.

Revering Rebecca

Rebecca provides a model of a powerful biblical woman who asserted her independence and her control over the future of the covenant.

Where Was Sarah?

Sarah's death illustrates the flaw of attempting to impose perfect justice on an imperfect world.

Being Blessed With Everything

The Midrash explains what it means that Abraham was blessed with everything and what a blessed life could mean for us.

Smashing Jewish Idols

Like Abraham, who introduced a new model for relating to God and humankind, we continue to integrate social justice into religious practice.

Service And Community, In The Desert, Among Strangers

In his covenant with Avimelech, Abraham provides us with an example of how to build peace, justice, and kindness where they seem to be absent.

Honesty As A Form Of Idolatry

Honesty is a value only insofar as it leads to growth, compassion and peace.

Biblical Affirmative Action?

The talmudic discussion of Noah's righteousness sheds light on our understanding of leveling the playing field.

Noah and the Difference Between Blameless and Righteous

When Jews did not have power, our righteousness was synonymous with blamelessness. How do we define righteousness today, in an age in which Jews do possess power?

Protecting Biodiversity: A Covenant With Every Living Thing

The importance of protecting biodiversity both for our survival and for our appreciation of God's presence in the world and the order of creation.