Parashat Nasso


Parashat Nasso: Finding Peace

Giving ourselves time to grieve can lead us to a place where we feel God’s blessings.

Parashat Nasso: Getting the Message

Two linguistic features of this Torah portion remind us of the need to speak carefully even when our message is true.

Understanding the Sotah Ritual

The trial by ordeal prescribed for a woman suspected of infidelity is unparalleled anywhere else in the Torah.

In the Priestly Blessing, Seeing Parenthood’s Trajectory

A prayer for yesterday, today and tomorrow — all in one.

Parents as Models

For better or worse, children learn how to be in the world from their parents.

Mistakes Make Great Lessons

Our mistakes teach us what not to do in the future and shine a light on character traits we can improve.

Challah for Parashat Naso

The priestly blessing.

Sotah: Understanding Change

Confronting a troubling biblical narrative.

Children and Jealousy

Nasso: A resource for families.

Birkat Kohanim — Blessing of the Priests or of the Community?

How the Priestly Blessing is manifested within the community's needs.
