Jewish Recipes

Challah Recipes

How to Make Challah

Make perfect, fluffy challah every time with this classic recipe.

Jewish Appetizer Recipes

How to Make Chopped Liver

This classic recipe is surprisingly easy to make from scratch.


Sephardic Cuisine

An overview of the wide variety of food eaten by the descendants of the Spanish exile.

Shabbat Chicken with Dried Fruit Recipe

This go-to chicken recipe, with a glossy and delicious sauce, is perfect for Rosh Hashanah or Shabbat.

Classic Potato Kugel

A grandmother's recipe offers an easy route to this classic Ashkenazi dish.

Beyond Apples and Honey: Symbolic Foods for Rosh Hashanah

Recipes for traditional and meaningful Jewish new year delicacies.

VIDEO: How to Make Stuffed Cabbage

Stuffed cabbage is one of the most quintessential Ashkenazi Jewish dishes.

Baklava with Honey and Cardamom Recipe

You won't miss refined sugar or butter with this sweet treat featuring cinnamon and cardamom-spiced nuts covered with honey syrup.

The Evolution of Israeli Cuisine

Increasingly trendy worldwide, Israeli food mixes the flavors of the Middle East and the Jewish Diaspora.

Everything Bagel Latkes Recipe

There's no excuse not to eat latkes for breakfast when topped with smoked salmon and just the right seasoning.

You Can Actually Make Your Own (Delicious) Gefilte Fish

In search of a modern, yet classic, take on the Eastern European dish.

This Vegetarian Brisket Recipe Actually Tastes Like Meat

A satisfying vegetarian entree for holidays, picnics and Shabbat dinner.

25 Roast Chicken Recipes for Friday Night Dinner

So many recipes, you will never get bored with Friday roast chicken.

Kreplach Recipe: Jewish Dumplings You Can Make at Home

Too intimidated to make your own kreplach? These Jewish cooking pros make it simple.
