Parashat Behar-Bechukotai


Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: God In Our Grief

Where is God when we are grieving after the bad things happen?

Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: The Dark Side of Torah Ethics

Engaging with difficult passages in the Torah requires sitting with complexity and tension.

Anxiety: A Jewish Telegram

The first curse described in this portion hinders our ability to listen — even to ourselves.

Finding Meaning in an Ancient Farming Law

Why Shmita, the commandment to let Israel's farmland rest every seven years, is relevant even for today's urban Diaspora Jews.

Do Jews Own the Land of Israel?

We dwell on the land at God's pleasure, always on condition.


Jealousy can paralyze us and force us to define ourselves by another person's successes.

Not Misrepresenting

Your relationships with others can only be real if they rest on honest assumptions.

Sharing is Letting Go of Control

Letting go is hard work, but loosening our grip will ultimately make us feel freer.

Sharing the Wealth

Bechukotai: A resource for families.
