

How to Convert to Judaism

The process varies from movement to movement, but certain rituals are common to all of them.


Converting to Judaism: How to Get Started

How to find an introductory Judaism class.


Denominational Differences On Conversion

Differences between the movements grow out of more basic disagreements in philosophy and belief.


How to Find Jewish Resources Near You

Directories for locating synagogues and other Jewish institutions in your area.

12 Great Introduction-to-Judaism Books

Looking for a Judaism 101 book to start your Jewish learning?

Conversion 101

What you need to know about converting to Judaism.

Conversion Quiz

How much do you know about conversion to Judaism?

How To Decide If You Should Convert to Judaism

Becoming Jewish requires careful consideration and extensive self-examination.

How I Came to Feel Part of the Jewish People

For some converts to Judaism, it can take time to truly feel like a member of the tribe.

Converting to Judaism While Honoring Family Ties

Jewish tradition respects both the totality of a convert's transformation and the continued ties to their family of origin.

Hanukkah Gift Ideas for Newcomers to Judaism

Holiday gift inspiration for Jews by choice or those who have joined a Jewish family.

Try It, You’ll Like It: Should Jews Proselytize?

Liberal Jews who support outreach claim that active proselytism was the Jewish tradition until the Roman Empire outlawed conversion to Judaism under penalty of death.

How to Pick a Hebrew Name

One of the joys of being "like a newborn baby" after the conversion is that you get to pick a Hebrew name--which is easier than you may think.

How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Convert?

Comprehensive knowledge of Judaism isn't a prerequisite for conversion, only a desire to be Jewish and a readiness to align one's fate with the Jewish people.

“Funny, You Don’t Look Jewish”

Not actually funny. Not actually a compliment.
