Torah Commentary

Parashat Tzav: The Virtues of Thanksgiving

If you have had a loved one who died while in hospice care, you may have received the same little ...

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei: Easing Grief’s Isolation

Sometimes in the act of giving, you end up receiving even more.

Parashat Tetzaveh: Carrying Our Loved Ones in Our Hearts

The priestly garments provide a guide on how we can remember.

Parashat Mishpatim: Finding the Ecstatic in the Everyday

This Torah portion reminds us to appreciate the mundane moments.

Parashat Yitro: Merged Memories

In Moses and Jethro, we can see a model of transformational relationships ⁠— and losses.

Parashat Beshalach: Their Past Is Always Present

Our loved ones may physically pass on, but like Joseph, their presence reverberates in us and in the generations to come.

Parashat Bo: An Unprecedented Journey

We can learn from Moses when we are forced to take an unprecedented journey through grief.

Parashat Vaera: Honesty, Not Silence

God knows we need to question God, as Moses did centuries ago.