

Kabbalah and Mysticism 101

Jewish mysticism has taken many forms.


The Zohar

This influential work of Jewish mysticism continues to inspire spiritual seekers.


Why Kabbalah Is Considered Dangerous

The potential for misuse and mental trauma led to restrictions on who could study Jewish mysticism.

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation

This ancient mystical text introduced many concepts that would be more fully developed by the tradition of Kabbalah.

What Is Gematria?

Hebrew numerology, and the secrets of the Torah.

Kabbalah & Mysticism Quiz

How much do you know about this area of Jewish contemplation and spirituality?

Who Was Shabbetai Zevi?

The kabbalistic false messiah gained a mass following in the 17th century — until he converted to Islam.

Ask the Expert: Do I Have to be 40 to Study Kabbalah?

Why are there age limits on Torah learning?

Red String Bracelets: What’s the Jewish Significance?

Made famous by Madonna, these good-luck charms are part of a whole genre of folk traditions and superstitions.

Significant Numbers in Judaism

A look at some numbers — from seven to 18 to 613 — that have Jewish significance.

Lecha Dodi

This hymn, sung to welcome the Sabbath, has mystical origins.

Who Was Rav Nachman of Breslov?

Famous for his sayings, stories and charisma, this Hasidic leader inspired a movement that is still vibrant today.

Hasidic Movement: A History

This Orthodox spiritual revivalist movement emerged in 18th-century Eastern Europe.

Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World

This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.