
Sweet and Sour

In my grandparents’ homes, as in the shtetlach from whence they came, the food was sweet and sour – just ...

People First

It’s been an interesting couple of months here in New Jersey. First, in August, an earthquake rocked us, and while ...

The Jewish Message

Earlier this week, Tom Fields-Meyer wrote about reading and thinking about books and took a look at autism and God. He has been ...

Ten Hours in the Life of a Rabbi Without Borders

Twenty early morning souls relax into the padded cushions that line the basement of the Washington Center for Consciousness Studies. I ...

Kugel Recipes

A traditional Jewish treat.

Kiddush Cup

Drinking the ritual wine.

Melaveh Malkah

Shabbat doesn't have to end when the havdalah candle goes out.

Three Biblical Signs of Covenant

Shabbat, the rainbow after the flood, and brit milah are three covenantal "signs" which God provides.

Haftarah for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

The New Moon is a symbol of the feminine, and a time when all creatures will come together to praise God.

Blessings for Shabbat & Holidays

Texts, translations and transliterations.