JOFA's Torch

The Torch explores gender and religion in the Jewish community. Named for Deborah the Prophetess, “the woman of torches,” the blog highlights the passion and fiery leadership of Jewish feminists, while evoking the powerful image of feminists “passing the torch” to a new generation. Disclaimer: All posts are contributed by third party authors. JOFA does not assume responsibility for the facts and opinions presented in them.


The Vagina Monologues Frummed Out

Among many other exciting offerings at the JOFA conference evening of the arts, we’re excited to host Monologues from the ...

Sisterhood in the Pursuit of Peace

I belong to a grassroots organization that brings Muslim & Jewish women together in private spaces and allows us to ...

Conversion, the RCA, and Rabbinic Hypocrisy

Last week, the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) issued a resolution demonstrating for the second time in less than six ...

Celebrating Our Daughters: From Simchat Bat to Bat Mitzvah

I had been thinking about my eldest daughter’s bat mitzvah for a long time. We belong to a Modern Orthodox ...

How a Baby is Made

How is a baby made? More specifically, what determines the future characteristics of the child? One answer emerges from the ...

Do We Really Need the JOFA Conference?

They overflow the curbs of Eastern Parkway. With their black hats, beards, and suits, they are an inverse image of ...

Revitalizing Women’s Tefillah Groups

As a Modern Orthodox high school student at Ramaz, I find meaning in women’s tefillah (prayer) services. After experiencing them at ...

When Blessings Bring Pain

When I saw the little blue line on the pregnancy test, I felt like I was walking on air. A ...

Accepting a Reality We Did Not Anticipate: Lessons from this Week’s Torah Portion

The word for “comfort” (lenahem) in Hebrew can also mean to “regret.” One of the most difficult parts of gaining ...

One Moment At A Time

I am looking outside my window at the orange leaves, and low sun, at too early a time in the ...
