
An End to Appointment Judaism?

I am an avid television watcher, to say the least. My weekly repertoire includes everything from sports and the news, ...

Lot, the Subjective Stranger: A Call for Diversity

 “Is she converting?”“Clearly, she is not from around here, I wonder if she is even Jewish.”“She must be someone’s nanny…”These ...

A Call for Diversity: The Tower of Babel

While driving down Route 95 on the East Coast, one has the ability to survey hundreds of billboards along the ...

S’mores Brownies Recipe

It’s no great secret that I hate pareve desserts. Or perhaps I should more accurately say: I hate bad pareve ...

High-Tech High Holidays

When I entered rabbinical school, I never imagined I would become a rabbi of an online synagogue. In fact, when ...

Blessing the Shabbat Lights – A “Modern” Jewish Ritual

The quintessential image of home, holiness, and Jewish motherhood is that of a woman blessing the Shabbat candles, performing a ...

Struggling with the Shabbos Bride

Lekhah Dodi  (‘Come my friend’) is the hymn sung on Friday night to welcome Shabbat. The prayer begins, “Come my friend, ...

Freedom To Celebrate My Religion… and My Sexuality

Pride Month might be over, but celebrating one’s identity is a year long process. This post comes to us from London, ...

Pineapple Coconut Coffee Cake

Like so many of my peers, Jewish summer camp played an integral role in my Jewish identity. It’s where I ...

Southern (Jewish) Exposure

My last year has been full of change: I got married. My husband got a new job, out of state. ...

Easy Zucchini Kugel

Super simple to make, gluten-free and perfect for Passover!

The Story Behind Those Key Shaped Challahs

Baking a "shlissel challah" is a tradition the week after Passover.