Sephardic Jews

Sephardic Jews

The Sephardic Exodus to the Ottoman Empire

How Jews fleeing Spain and Portugal transformed the region.


How to Learn Ladino

Where to find classes, lessons and more resources for mastering this Sephardic language also known as Judeo-Spanish.

Sephardic Food

Sephardic Cuisine

An overview of the wide variety of food eaten by the descendants of the Spanish exile.

Beyond Apples and Honey: Symbolic Foods for Rosh Hashanah

Recipes for traditional and meaningful Jewish new year delicacies.

The 11 Best Ladino Expressions and Phrases To Know

Learn some choice phrases, including the most epic sneeze response ever, in this Sephardic language also known as Judeo-Spanish.

The Sephardic Experience During the Holocaust

The Nazis wiped out several major Sephardic population centers and caused the almost complete demise of Ladino culture.

9 Things to Know About Ladino

This Sephardic language, also known as Judeo-Spanish, has a rich history and is more accessible than you think.

Vegetarian Yemenite Soup Recipe

The enveloping aroma of cumin, turmeric, coriander and black pepper just screams comfort food.

Apple Potato Latkes Recipe with Tahini Silan Sauce

Could there be a better Ashkenazi-Sephardi combo than latkes with dates?

What Are Jewish Genetic Diseases?

As many as 1 in 3 Ashkenazi Jews are estimated to be carriers for one of about 19 genetic diseases.

Israel’s Vibrant Jewish Ethnic Mix

Just because Israel is a Jewish country doesn't mean all its Jews are the same.

Embracing A Jewish Henna Wedding Tradition

This custom is a treasured part of Moroccan Jewish and other Mizrahi marriage celebrations.

Sephardic Judaism Quiz

Sephardic Jews have a rich history, and over time they have developed their own traditions, customs, and laws.

Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews

The Jewish world is more ethnically and racially diverse than many people realize.

North African Cuisine

The Jews of North Africa ate spicy, aromatic foods, usually with couscous.