Genesis 41:1-44:17; Numbers 28:9-15, 7:42-47

Zechariah 2:14-4:7 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah

In this Torah portion, Pharaoh has two troubling dreams, and at the suggestion of his cupbearer, who remembers Joseph from prison, Pharaoh brings Joseph to interpret them. Pharaoh is so impressed by Joseph that he makes him his adviser. There is a famine, and Jacob sends his sons, minus Benjamin, to Egypt to buy food. The brothers do not recognize Joseph when they meet him, and Joseph tests them by accusing them of being spies. Joseph arrests Simeon and demands the brothers bring Benjamin to Egypt to prove they are not spies. When Benjamin arrives, Joseph puts a goblet in Benjamin’s bag and accuses him of stealing it.


Parashat Miketz: Coercion vs. Love

This Torah portion begs the question of whether it’s acceptable to use coercive power to have people to do something that’s good for them.


More on this Torah Portion

Descending and Ascending

Joseph's fall and rise teaches us that the last chapter of our story remains to be written.

Healing and Transformation

Parashat Miketz teaches us about teshuvah and forgiveness.

Creating Family Peace

Joseph serves as a model of creating opportunities for repentance and forgiveness.

Kindness In Disguise

By judging others favorably and responding to them with kindness, we add holiness to the world.

Interpreting From The Outside

Joseph's status as an outsider, and the outsider status of the Jewish people, allow for critical insight into the deeper truths of the surrounding people.

Connecting With Others

Prayers can help repair the world.

Joseph’s Response to Hunger

To prevent world hunger, we must dream big dreams and take wise action.

The Limitations of Self-Denial

We must use our gifts of wealth, education, and influence to improve conditions for the poor and powerless.

Real Men Do Cry

Joseph's tears, public and private

Meeting The Faces Of Need

By personally handing out rations, Joseph established a human connection and involvement with those for whom he provided.

Don’t Just Stand There — Do Something!

Fear paralyzes us, rendering us incapable of addressing our most pressing problems.

Benevolent Dictatorship or Righteous Balance?

Joseph's actions in dealing with the famine challenge us to strive for a delicate balance of power and compassion.

Two Kinds Of Intelligence

To be fully educated and human we must study a range of disciplines--humanities and sciences, secular and Judaic.

The Song of the Land

A Torah teaching for the Western environmentalist.

Nourishing Others

Judaism can provide spiritual sustenance to those who need it, to those who seek it.

The Deeper Meaning Of A Name

In naming his sons, Joseph communicates his thoughts on living in Egypt, alone and distant from his family.

From Persecution to Leadership

We are all responsible for leading in our own spheres while struggling with temptations and moral dilemmas

Parashat Miketz: Reframing Loss

We can choose how we respond to situations over which we have no control.

Moving Beyond Denial

Joseph's brothers are blinded by denial.


We must give our children opportunities to view themselves as successes.

Haftarah for Miketz

Wisdom and how to wield it.

Parashat Miketz Quiz

Test your knowledge of this Torah portion.

Parashat Miketz: Summary

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact with his brothers again.
