
Sacred Fire

Fire can be destructive or constructive as well as a tool for connecting with the divine.

A Calf Full of Regret

What we regret shows what we value

Dreaming the World into Being

Jewish tradition suggests that dreams awaken the imaginative faculty without which prophecy is impossible.

In Praise of Nothing

After a month filled to the brim with ritual observance, the Hebrew month of Heshvan invites us to holy stillness.

The Anti Auto-Correct Religion

In an era of predictive ideology, Judaism maintains that humans are endowed with free will.

Shul-Shopping? Don’t Do It Now

The High Holidays are the worst days to experience the personality and atmosphere of a synagogue.

Ask the Expert: Shabbat in the Land of the Midnight Sun

How can I tell when Shabbat starts if it never gets dark?

Ask the Expert: Sunday Services

Are there any Reform temples that still have their main service on Sunday?

Shabbat as Social Reform

Rabbis and Jews argued for a five-day work week in order to be able to observe Shabbat.

Ecology & Shabbat

Shabbat gives us an opportunity to stop trying to control the world.

Jewish Law, Shabbat and the World to Come

The school of Shammai constructed its version of the Sabbath laws on the basis of the notion that Shabbat is a foretaste of life in the perfect world, yet to come.

Why Observe Shabbat?

Modern Jewish thinkers explore new dimensions of what Shabbat observance can mean.