
Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals

The Netilat Yadayim practice and blessing.

Stuck between Passover and Shavuot

Shavuot is not just the culmination of Passover, but also its subversion.

True Righteousness

A Holocaust rescue story sheds light on a curious verse from the Prophets.

From the Outside, In

The more people we have at the table, the more likely we are to discover wisdom.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Shabbat

Surprising facts about the weekly Jewish day of rest.

Remembrance of Kvetches Past

Remembering how we've suffered in the past helps us cultivate gratitude for the blessings we have right now.

Bringing Our All

God doesn't demand that we apportion ourselves into little pieces, some parts of which are publicly acceptable and the rest hidden away.

Ask the Expert: Silence Before Bread

Why can't we talk between washing hands and eating bread?

Hamotzi: The Deeper Significance of the Blessing over Bread

These simple words mask a subtle theological statement about the primordial past and the perfected "world to come."

The Monster at the End of the Mahzor

Teshuvah is not a confrontation with some frightening otherness, but with ourselves.

You Can Go Home Again

The mitzvah of the Jubilee year is a chance to begin again.

Passover as Childhood

What we experience in our early years informs every aspect of who we are.