

Three Funerals and a Wedding

“Our life is a walk in the night, we know not how great the distance to the dawn that awaits ...

Just Your Typical Egyptian Mexican American Jew

It is interesting to grow up in an old world family with new world ideas. My childhood dinners were created ...

Judaism for Singles or for Families?

I’m getting married next week. Most of the wedding planning is done (but, oy, the table assignments, they continue to ...

Planning My Southern Jewish Wedding

Planning a wedding is quite a feat. A fun, exciting, thrilling, crazy feat…but a feat nonetheless. Especially when you’re planning ...

Voting with Our Feet: Heeding the Call of ORA’s Rabbi Jeremy Stern

Rabbi Jeremy Stern, who serves as the Executive Director of the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) recently penned ...

Always the Rabbi, Never the Bride? Adding Values to a Jewish Wedding

Having officiated at many weddings over the years, I sometimes joked to my friends that I was “always the rabbi, ...

Opening the Walls of Our Chuppah

There is a particular photograph that adorns the imagination of every engaged couple; it is of a young girl, age ...

It’s Wedding Season!

As May rolls along, one thing is very clear: wedding season is here.With so many positive steps towards marriage equality ...

Hello, Labels: Creating a Feminist Orthodox Wedding

The night before my wedding, as I was falling asleep, I realized that my fiance and I hadn’t discussed whether ...
