

The Pilgrim’s Guide to Success

I’ve been looking for meaningful full-time work since crash-landing in Philadelphia in August. After living in Boston for eight years ...

Talking about Rabbis

Yesterday, during preparations for the graduation ceremony for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, I caught a glimpse of the glow on the ...

A Mixed Mob at Mount Sinai?

When I think about Shavuot, the first image that pops into my head is a mob of Israelites gathered at ...

Like Ruth, I’m an Immigrant

I am an immigrant to the United States. I am the holder of a green card—the documentation that gives me ...

OM(er)G: What’s With the Beards?

There’s been some pretty intense facial hair around the ISJL office lately. If you stopped by in May, you might ...

The 70 Faces of Shavuot

According to Jewish tradition, the Torah has seventy “faces,” but is still one, unified Torah. On Shavuot, we celebrate the ...

A Rabbi Reflects on the Journey Towards Marriage Equality

We in the Jewish community just spent forty-nine days counting the Omer, the period from liberation to revelation, from leaving ...

The Torah of Space Exploration

Will humans ever land on Mars? Quite a number of people are trying to make it happen.Buzz Aldrin has just ...

Yoda’s Yiddishkeit: Jewish He Seems, Hmmm?

The month of May, known as “Liberation Month,” contains Cinco de Mayo (celebrating Mexico’s liberating victory over the French in ...

Dairy Queen

Sometimes the most challenging part of being a committed Reform Jew is seeking ways to incorporate Judaism into our home ...
