

Orthodox Women in St. Louis Write a Megillat Esther

Orthodox women reading Megillat Esther on Purim are a common sight in many communities, but this year, a group of Orthodox women ...

This year’s Purim costume: True Self

A number of years ago, I was at a Purim party and a male friend attended wearing a dress, make ...

Increasing Purim’s Joy

Purim is coming and the inhabitants of my house are giddy with anticipation. It has long been a favorite holiday ...

Who Knows? An Adar of Anticipation

Nine months pregnant on the cusp of Purim.

Denouncing Germany’s Haman from Harlan, Kentucky

Few places in America are more remote than southeastern Kentucky.  Back in the early 20th century, a handful of Jewish ...

A Real-Life Purim Superhero: An Interview with Elisabeth Kushner

The world’s first LGBT inclusive Jewish children’s book in English has arrived!Published by Kar-Ben Publishing, an award-winning publisher of Jewish ...

How Did I End up Doing This?

Joshua Henkin’s new novel, The World Without You, is now available. For a long time I wanted to be a fiction ...

Raising Your Mask for Passover

Last week we celebrated the holiday of Purim in which we recall the survival of the Jewish people against the ...

The Holiness of Purim

As a child, I looked forward to Purim each year. I spent weeks planning my costume and savored the excitement ...

Breaking news: Rumors spread of first woman rabbi to be ordained by Kabbalah Institute (KIRR)

Today saw the spreading of some enticing rumors regarding a soon-to-be-announced ordination program out of the newly-created Kabbalah Institute (KIRR ...
