Passover Food

Haroset: Recipes from Around the World

If you are looking to make a second haroset for your family, or just want to try a new tradition on for size, check out one of these recipes to spice up your menu.

The Fluffiest Matzoh Balls of Them All

I’ve had a number of friends come calling recently with questions about how to make light and fluffy matzoh balls ...

Gefilte Fish in America

A history of the Jewish fish product.

Potato Kugel (Pareve)

A kosher-for-Passover potato casserole that is also a Shabbat and holiday favorite!

10 Tips for Planning a Memorable Seder

The seder need not — should not — stick to the script. Innovation is key for a memorable and fun educational experience.

What Is Matzah?

Unleavened bread is the central Passover symbol.

Types of Matzah

Traditional Jews refrain from using certain types of matzah at the seder.

Try This New Twist on Tabbouleh

A gluten-free side dish to enjoy all year.

Healthy Matzah Balls

The no fat, no cholesterol, great flavor matzah balls.

Passover Spinach and Cheese Lasagna

A year-round favorite reimagined for Passover.

Flourless Chocolate Cake

A simple and decadent dessert for Passover--and year-round.

Matzah Brei

A recipe for a popular Passover breakfast treat.