Rabbi David Wolpe

David Wolpe is the rabbi of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles and the author of several books on Jewish belief. Follow him on Twitter @rabbiwolpe.

Articles by Rabbi David Wolpe


If angels can fly, why did they climb up and down the ladder in Jacob's dream?

Bad Preaching

A great sermon is a collaboration between speaker and listener.

‘Jewish’ Time

Jews are known for being late for meetings, but are spiritually attuned to time in special ways.

Alone in the Desert

Is the desert a place of desolation, or a place of possibility?


The Kotzker Rebbe taught that the only whole heart is a broken one.

Blessings and Curses

Why we should pray that the best things in our life continue to benefit us and others.

Behind the Window

The Baal Shem Tov and Ludwig Wittgenstein both remind us that we cannot know what other people are struggling with.


What Oscar Wilde said about art is what Judaism shows us about other aspects of life: "A Truth ... is that whose contradictory is also true."

Aspiration and Restraint

The Bible seeks to guide us to live well, but is animated by a belief in something greater than this world.