10 Weeks – 10 Prayers: Class source sheets, recordings, and related material


This is the resource page for the 10-part class series 10 Weeks – 10 Prayers. To register, go to this link.

The recordings of all class sessions can be found on this YouTube playlist.

The Kiddush: with Joel Hecker, Ph.D

Source sheet for Kiddush class

Article by Joel Hecker: Kiddush: Holding the Divine Presence in Our Hands

Havdalah: with Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum

Article on the basics of Havdalah

Article on Havdalah and the uniqueness of the Jewish people

Modah/Modeh Ani: with Rabbi Shefa Gold

Source sheet for Modah Ani class

Article by Rabbi Shefa Gold on Modeh Ani: Beginning the Day with Gratitude

Shema: with Rabbi Adina Allen


Handout with readings

Article by Rabbi Adina Allen on The Shema: How Listening Leads to Oneness

The Amidah: with Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

Source sheet

Article on The Amidah: Standing Still to Receive God’s Blessing

Article by Rabbi Elie Kaunfer: Reimagining the Resurrection Blessing [of the Amidah]

Lecha Dodi: with Joel Hecker, PhD

Text sheet with Lecha Dodi

Class Slides

Article by Sara Esther Crispe on Love Lessons from Lecha Dodi

The Kaddish: with Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

Source sheet

Asher Yatzar: with Rabbi Adina Allen

Source material

Aleinu: with Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum

Source sheet

Article by Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum on Aleinu: A Call to Divine Service

Shehechiyanu: with Rabbi Shefa Gold

Source sheet

Article by Rabbi Shefa Gold on Shehechiyanu: A Meditation on this Moment


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