Customer Service is Our #2 Priority

I grew up in Chicago, and my mother shopped at a variety of kosher butchers. That said, in Chicago, the ...

How to Make the Perfect Latke

I recently told my parents that they cursed me. The way I see it, when my (probable) Irish genes collided ...

Beyond Your Bubbe’s Latkes

I love making latkes, and like most of us, I have my preferred ways of serving the latke. Last year ...

5 Tips For Making Non-Kosher Recipes Kosher

Recently I saw a recipe online that looked delicious…but it called for gelatin. One of my all-time favorite Passover dessert ...

Shabbat Recipe Roundup

Thanksgiving is behind us, Hanukkah is ahead, and luckily we are still in the thick of hearty Autumn/Winter fare.Here are ...

Hanukkah Holiday Tablescapes

A few more weeks to go, and Hanukkah is almost upon us. I am sure some people might feel uncomfortable ...

Turkey Day Leftover Shabbat

How to convert the remains of Thanksgiving into delicious Shabbat meals.

Bad Year for the Bagel?

It’s been a rough year for the bagel. This summer, despite a tremendous outcry from New Yorkers, and New York ...

Cloth Napkins Will Save You

When I was a kid and it was my turn to set the table I usually forgot to put out ...

Shabbat Recipes of the Week

Another week, and it’s time for another round of recipe ideas for Shabbat.As my dear friend and fellow tweeter Aimee ...

Politicians in the Kitchen

The Awl has an interesting post up about a cookbook called Political Pot Luck: A Collection of Recipes from Men ...

Lighten Up!

Each year the holiday season brings joy, stress, and increased eating as we  get overloaded with Thanksgiving leftovers, and shlep ...