Rosh Hashana


One Small Sound for Women, One Large Blast for Womankind.

On the first day of Rosh Hashana I was invited to call the kolot (sounds) for the shofar. I must ...

Rosh Hashanah from the Other Side

How would I have experienced Rosh Hashanah if I were sitting on the men’s side of the mechitza? Would it ...

A New Year’s Resolution to Be Proud Of (That You Actually Can Keep!)

Rosh Hashanah is a time for many things. Reflection. Spiritual rejuvenation. Eating large meals with family and friends. And making ...

To Repair the World – And Not Just the Jewish People!

One of the things I most love about the High Holidays is their focus on universality. During the rest of ...

Just Saying No to The Container Store

I’ve learned my lesson. I’m just saying no to The Container Store.The Container Store is an amazing place. They stock ...

Judaism in a Secular Age – Just What God Wanted!

Six weeks from now when the world and the Jewish People experience another Rosh Hashanah, we will stand before God ...

Arrived: First of Our Long Awaited Refugee Families!

Or Shalom, Vancouver’s East-Side Shul, the synagogue I serve as spiritual leader, is a community of 200 households that has ...

Brotherhood of Erstwhile Enemies

We were two Christian Palestinians, four Muslim Palestinians and six Jewish Israelis. The Christians were from Bethlehem, both veterans of ...

The Loudest Noise

As we get ready for Rosh HaShanah, we get ready to hear the blasts of the Shofar associated with the ...

A New Year: Another New Beginning

If I’ve learned anything being a black, observant, Jewish hip-hop artist, it’s that it takes time and patience for something ...
