To Bow, or Not to Bow?
That’s my question every time I visit the Roswell Community Masjid (RCM). Since as a young child I was taught ...
Preparing for Passover with Poetry and Dance
Poetry and dance to share and inspire at your Passover seder.
I Am Not Afraid
Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night? I was, but I’ve been taking a course — well, ...
Rosh Hashanah: Get Woke
During the High Holiday period, we expect a great deal from ourselves. Putting aside the business of material holiday preparation ...
Plans for a Successful Inclusive Southern School Year
Each year all of the religious schools that make up our ISJL education network gather in Jackson, MS for our ...
Passover, Then and Now
Pesach (Passover) is my favorite holiday. I enjoy reading about the journey from slavery to freedom and the journey of ...
Just Curious…
I can recall, apparently with terrific inaccuracy, hearing a kindergarten story about an incorrigible feline who poked his nose into ...
Bsisa: A Tasty Tradition To Begin The Passover Season
What is the best way to usher in the Passover season? Not with handwringing and housecleaning, but with celebration, blessing ...
Sephardic Songs Add Merriment to Purim
And what is a drinking party without drinking songs? As in other Jewish communities, drinking alcohol was part of the ...