

Passover and Questions for All

As Passover draws to a close this weekend, I’m thinking about two things: a pizza binge on Friday night and ...

Why Passover Is About A Lot More Than Good Food

What is the essence of Passover? On the one hand, it seems obvious: Passover is about gathering together with loved ...

Emerging from Narrow Places: Passover and the Stories of LGBTQ Jews

Passover is also a time for us to reflect on the mitzrayim we face today: what are the narrow places from which we must emerge? What are the ways in which we must move toward freedom from transphobia and heterosexism in our families, our workplaces, our Jewish communities? What steps do we need to take to bring us farther along on this journey?

Create Your Best, and Most Personal, Passover Seder

Looking to change-up your seder this year? Archie Gottesman, FJC board member and self-proclaimed Marketing Jewru has spent the past ...

All About Those Plagues – A Passover Parody

This is the second year that my congregation, B’nai Shalom in Westborough MA, has produced a Passover Parody video – ...

Passover Doesn’t End With the Exodus

This Monday night Jews around the world will sit down at their tables and embark on recreating the narrative of ...

Rituals and Relationships to Enhance Your Passover Seder

This week, my partner and I sat down to plan our seder. For us, this involves much more than deciding ...

One game-changing innovation for your Seder this year

Around this time of year I often find myself fielding questions about what haggadah to use, and how families can ...

Is Reading Enough?

Jews across the world are preparing to sit down with their families and read the Haggadah this Passover. Although this is ...

Queering Your Seder: LGBTQ Haggadot

Passover is fast approaching, which means it’s time to prepare to lead, or participate in, a seder. It can be ...
