

Advice for Friends of the Ailing: Just Be Present.

Recently my email inbox has been filled with updates from three friends who are sick and using Caringbridge.com to update ...

A Jewish Atheist’s Prayer

When I was little, I talked to God constantly. There were prayers for waking up, for the morning, for the afternoon, before ...

A Remarkable Journey from Ethiopia to Israel to Petaluma, CA

Israeli Maor Sanbata came to the United States this past summer to be a counselor at Camp Be’chol Lashon. Born ...

What Do You Call a Questioning Convert? Rabbi.

“Why did you convert?” I have been asked this question many times before, sometimes out of deep interest and sometimes ...

Thank You for Sharing Sam

It was one of those nights. I could not sleep at all. Sadness and worries crowded in. I went to ...

Psalms for the Philippines

Oklahoma City, where I live, has an amazing Jewish community. And, unfortunately, this amazing Jewish community is an expert in ...

Typhoon Haiyan and the Importance of Giving

“Shall we make Man in our image?” A favorite rabbinic comment of mine reads Genesis 1:25 as a questions rather ...

A Whole Lot of Love

What if God took note of every mistake you made and considered it a glorious seed for a profoundly better future? ...

Have a Little Faith

A lot has been made of the new Pew Study on the Jewish population. I am enjoying reading the various ...

“How I Met Your Rabbi” – Or, “How I Met Your Mother/Father God”?

Today’s post is from Education Fellow Amanda Winer. “Kids, let me tell you the story of how I met your ...
