

Falling in Love in Jerusalem

Like many great love affairs, time and the business of life eroded the fabric that bound us together.

“God” and “Religion” Aren’t the Same

After all, since religion is a human endeavor, we have the power to change what it does.

Theology in a Time of Anti-Semitism

Paying attention to dreams is an ancient Jewish spiritual practice. Our biblical ancestors Isaac and Jacob dreamed of God. Jacob’s ...

Find Your Mercy

I think we could all use a little more mercy and compassion. Day after day, the news is filled with ...

This I Believe… About Belief

In college I was tasked with writing a “This I Believe” essay about my guiding beliefs and values. This assignment wasn’t ...

Talking to God

A few years ago, I was invited to become part of an interfaith clergy group in Brooklyn. The group had ...

Rabbi, What’s Jesus’ Nickname?

Dear Rabbi,I have a question that has bothered me/intrigued me for years. What was Jesus’ true name? What was the ...

God, Are You Listening?

I was asked recently: “Do you believe God is really listening?”It is interesting: We rabbis talk more to children about ...

Our Quest for Holiness at the JOFA UK Conference

Although the official subtitle of last month’s London JOFA conference was “Reinforcing Tradition through Renewal,” what I took away from ...

To Find God – Take the Summer Off

Why is it that synagogue and church attendance drops in the summer? For years, churches and synagogues have noticed what ...
