

A Mexican-Jewish Fairytale Love Story

For this Latino-Jewish couple, being together has always been the obvious path

Judaism Was Destiny for This Guatemalan

In moving to the United States from Guatemala, I found my purpose and place in Jewish community

Remembering Julius Lester — And a Stop Along His Spiritual Journey

A meaningful and surprising first encounter creates lasting bond

Caring for the Southern Jewish Community

Why a uniquely Southern and Jewish organization resonates for this Jewish musician.

Large Multicultural Family Finds a Jewish Home In North Carolina

Though they did not start off life as Jews, Puah Millsaps and her multiracial family have never felt more welcome ...

African American Republican Congressional Candidate Turned Yeshiva Student

For some people, fitting into the status quo is soothing, comforting, peaceful. Not for me. For me, seeking a life ...

The Making of A Modern Kosher Baker

An African-American woman converts to Judaism and opens the only kosher bakery in town.

Conversion, the RCA, and Rabbinic Hypocrisy

Last week, the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) issued a resolution demonstrating for the second time in less than six ...

Just Your Typical Egyptian Mexican American Jew

It is interesting to grow up in an old world family with new world ideas. My childhood dinners were created ...
