

In the Diaspora of Their Churches

The Stand and See Fellowship is meant to be anything but virtual. Immersive, intensive, in-person learning, which engages Israel as ...

Sisterhood in the Pursuit of Peace

I belong to a grassroots organization that brings Muslim & Jewish women together in private spaces and allows us to ...

Violating Someone Else’s Sabbath

I recently received an email from my local synagogue‘s Brotherhood, asking for volunteers to help with some much-needed upkeep work ...

Who are the Jewcurious?

Carolyn is Baptist. She always will be. And she comes to my synagogue regularly.By regularly, I mean she comes to ...

Getting More Comfortable With the Culture of Prayer in the South

In the South, people pray a lot. It’s all around us: on TV, on billboards, at football games, even at ...

Gaining Furniture, Losing Fear: A Story of Philo-Semitism

When I first told people that I was moving to Mississippi to work for a Jewish organization, I received a ...

Christians and Jews Sharing Shabbat in the Delta

My family lives in Greenwood, Mississippi. Nestled in the heart of the Delta, we are proud of our small-but-vibrant shul; ...

Mishkan in Mississippi

The last thing I imagined to find when I moved to Mississippi? A tabernacle.Over the years, I’ve learned a lot ...

Welcome to Palestine… Texas

When I see the word “Palestine,” a number of images come to mind: questions regarding borders, refugees, the city of ...
