Mordecai Kaplan: Founder of Reconstructionist Judaism

An examination of the philosophy of one of the 20th century's most prominent Jewish thinkers.

Hanukkah: A Light Meditation

Looking into the flame.

How to Incorporate a Consistent Exercise Routine Into a Busy Schedule

For decades, people have turned to movement to get into and stay in physical shape, to keep their body healthy, ...

Coming Out for my Transgender Daughter

There it sat and it had sat for a very long time. We felt exhausted, vulnerable, and full of anxiety. ...

The Kibbutz Movement

The proud and turbulent history of Israel's experiment in communal living.

The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey

Jewish mystics took Judaism's reverence for the Hebrew language one step further, venerating the Hebrew letters themselves and considering them paths to the Divine.

How Does Jewish Matchmaking Work?

Finding a partner through a matchmaker (shadchan) is traditional in some Jewish communities.

Jewish Schnorrer Jokes

The best jokes about beggars and moochers.

The Hayei Adam

The works of Rabbi Abraham Danzig.

Jews in the Civil Rights Movement

Nowhere did Jews identify themselves more forth­rightly with the liberal avant-garde than in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.