Ancient Israel


Ancient Judaism 101

From the land of Israel to Diaspora.

Ancient Israel

The Many Faces of King David

David was a warrior and an artist, a lover and an adulterer — and also Israel's greatest king.

Ancient Israel

King Solomon

Son of King David, builder of the Temple, author of three biblical works and the wisest of men, Solomon looms large in Jewish tradition — and beyond.

What Is the Temple Mount?

Holy to both Jews and Muslims, this area in Jerusalem's Old City has been a focal point of inter-religious tension for decades.

A Crash Course in Early Jewish History

From biblical times to the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism.

Ritual Objects in the Jerusalem Temple

Menorah, altar, incense stand, showbread table, and more.

This Map Shows Where the Hanukkah Story Happened

See where the events described in the Hanukkah story are believed to have occurred and what they look like now.

Who Was Rabbi Akiva?

The second-century sage was the inspiration for many legends and may have died as a martyr.

The Hasmonean Dynasty

Their rule falls short of expectations.

Why the Maccabees Aren’t in the Bible

The books that tell the Hanukkah tale didn't make it into the Hebrew Bible -- but they are in the Catholic one.

Revelation at Sinai

The giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai is among the most significant events in Jewish tradition.

How Many Days is Shavuot in Israel?

In American Jewish society a joke has emerged over the past decades that supposedly summarizes all Jewish holidays: “They tried ...

Judaism after the Temple

Coping with destruction and building for the future.


An in-depth view of the Greco-Syrian emperor in the story of Hanukkah.

The Book of Second Maccabees

A Diaspora perspective with an emphasis on martyrdom