Tsafi Lev
Rabbi Tsafi Lev, is the West Coast CLAL Rabbis Without Borders Student Director. He is also the Rabbinic Director of New Community Jewish High School in West Hills, CA.
Articles by Tsafi Lev
Red State vs. Blue State: A Uniquely Jewish Crisis
What does it mean to be The Jewish State?
Why Rosh Hashanah Comes Before Yom Kippur
It is often explained that on Rosh Hashanah, the birthday of creation, we celebrate God’s renewal of the world. The ...
Eighth Grade, the Movie: The Torture Never Ends
As a rabbi, teacher (high school), parent, and former child let me confirm that the central issue for Kayla (Elsie Fisher) is unlike anything we adults had to manage when we were young.
The Last Torah Blog
It’s time that the religious blog, if not all blogs, to go the way of the 8-track tape, and make ...
Understanding Trump’s Role in History
On Race and Judicial Impartiality: “He’s proud of his his heritage. I respect him for that… He’s a Mexican. We’re ...
What It Means to Graduate
Mazel Tov, Young Graduates!You’ve done it! Your hard work has paid off. We put hoop after hoop in front you, ...
Today’s Leprosy: Loneliness
Commentary on Parshat Metzora: Leviticus 14:1-15:33In biblical times, for the safety of the rest of the community, a person stricken ...
Persistence: Changing our World and Changing God
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; Genius will not; Education will not; Persistence and ...
Tu Bishvat: Tending the Garden of the Self
This year Tu Bishvat begins at sundown on January 24, 2016. May the holiday be a catalyst in bringing your ...
A Generation of Profits
Dear Max Chan Zuckerberg, Welcome to this world! Now that you are old enough to read this letter, your father ...