
How to Make a Shiva Call

Because a shiva call requires total sensitivity to the needs of the mourner, the tradition mandates appropriate behaviors for the visitor.

Zachor: Why Jewish Memory Matters

The Jewish past is not merely remembered, but continuously re-enacted.

Joseph Soloveitchik

The preeminent figure of American Modern Orthodoxy, the man known as ‘the Rav’ ordained thousands of rabbis.

A Timeline of the Holocaust

From Hitler’s rise to power to the Nuremberg trials, key events of the Shoah.

Next Torah Portion


In this Torah portion, God describes to Moses many ethical and ritual laws aimed at helping people live lives of holiness. The laws described include some of those recorded in the Ten Commandments, such as respecting one’s parents, keeping the Sabbath and not stealing. God also introduces laws about farming and about belief in supernatural beings.



Parashat Kedoshim

Leviticus 19:1-20:27

Ezekiel 22:1-19

Weaving Together Ritual and Ethics

Only through the combination of ritual and ethics can Judaism fully express itself.

recharge now

Our weekly Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, features a thoughtful, timely essay to enrich your Shabbat. Here are a few of our recent pieces:

Observing Jewish Time

Living the Jewish calendar is to be bound by Jewish peoplehood and Jewish solidarity

In Dew Season

In this moment of crisis, we need to let things arise and evaporate, leaving us unburdened enough to do the work of peace.

From Disgrace to Praise

Why does Jewish tradition instruct us to endlessly retell the story of our ancestors’ enslavement?


Who Was Asenath Barazani?

Asenath Barazani (also spelled Asnat or Osnat) led a yeshiva in 17th century Kurdistan.

History of Jews in Ireland

The People of the Book on the Emerald Isle.

English Words of Hebrew Origin

From cabal to camel, a list of English words that derive from Hebrew.

What Does ‘Bashert’ Mean?

The Jewish concept of a divinely ordained soulmate dates back at least to the Talmud.

Regina Jonas

How one of the first female rabbis was almost forgotten.

Dreams in Jewish Tradition

Dreaming was a major source of prophetic insight in the Torah, but Jewish texts also betray a certain anxiety about dreaming.