
About Conversion to Judaism

Traditionally Judaism has been concerned about a Jew by choice's motives.

Developing a Relationship With the Born-Jewish Family

A convert must step gingerly across a minefield of long-held expectations, sometimes complicated by ambivalence toward Jewishness.

Conversion Requires Identity Transformation

Conversion means life change, but the path to Jewish identity varies widely.

There’s Room for Flexibility

If we are to develop a formula for conversion acceptable to all the Jewish movements, everyone will need to take a step toward the middle.

Contemporary Issues in Conversion

A topical over view of contemporary issues in conversion.

Developing a Relationship With Israel and the Holocaust

Conversion transforms formerly neutral territory into emotionally fraught real estate.

Telling Parents About Conversion

Plenty of empathy and emotional support can help most parents to understand and ultimately accept their child's decision to convert.

Reform Judaism Today

Balancing tradition and innovation in the 21st century

What Jewish Women’s Lives Were Like in the Muslim World

Part II: More Marriage, Divorce, Work and Education


A beloved Shavuot traditional recipe