Jewish Body
How to Experience God in Your Body
Jewish wisdom isn't just meant to be intellectually understood, but embodied. Here's how.
Finding God Through the Body
All of Jewish practice is a response to the fact that we are spiritual beings housed for a limited time in physical bodies.
Eating Disorders in the Jewish Community
Anorexia and bulimia are amongst the most emotionally and physically devastating disorders affecting young Jewish women.
Treating Addiction With Jewish Values
Messages from Jewish tradition to help combat substance abuse and other addictions
The Spirituality of Caring for Our Bodies
We may need to work on our spiritual health in order to ensure our physical health.
Anti-Semitic Stereotypes of the Jewish Body
Folk beliefs about horns and big noses have served to demonize Jews--and even Jews themselves have not been exempt from distorted images of their bodies.
Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs
As a culture that values sobriety, individual responsibility, and health, Judaism is wary of substances that may cause more damage than the enjoyment they may bring their users.