Exodus from Egypt

Passover (Pesach) 101

What you need to know about the festival of freedom.

The Prayer for Dew

A special request for life-sustaining dew is traditionally recited on the first morning of Passover.

Hol Hamoed: The Intermediate Days of Passover

Although they are not full festivals, they are still holy relative to ordinary days.

Hezekiah’s Passover

The festival served as a repudiation of idolatry.

The Omer

Counting the days from Passover to Shavuot.

Mimouna: A Post-Passover Celebration

An exuberant Sephardic custom whose origins are the subject of debate

A Vegetarian Shankbone

How the beet ended up on the seder plate

What’s With the Fours?

This number appears over and over in the Passover Haggadah.

Passover and Blood Libels

The accusation that blood was used to make wine or matzah for Passover was a pretext for attacks on Jews.

How Passover Customs Have Changed and Developed Over Time

A look at some Pesach customs throughout history.