Exodus from Egypt

The Matzah-Baking Machine

A 19th-century controversy

From Three to Four Questions

A look at the evolution of the four questions

Passover After the Civil War

Northern Jews come to the aid of the southern Jewish community.

Passover in Modern Times

The ancient Exodus continues to inspire Jews today.

Passover and Blood Libel in the Middle Ages

The joy of the holiday is overshadowed by anti-Semitic violence.

Rabbinic Development of Passover

The seder takes shape in the rabbinic period.

The Paschal Sacrifice (Korban Pesach)

Understanding how Passover was celebrated in biblical times.

An Orange on the Seder Plate

This progressive Passover custom is surprisingly misunderstood.

Miriam’s Cup

A modern feminist symbol

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.