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The Kabbalah of Personal Growth with Layah Lipsker

Hosted By: Vilna Shul

We all strive to become the best version of ourselves, especially as we age. What can Kabbalah add to the idea of personal growth? Join the Vilna Shull for a four part conversation about a different kind of Tikun Olam, one that begins with repairing ourselves.

No prior experience learning Kaballah or Torah is needed.

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Layah Kranz Lipsker

Layah Kranz Lipsker is a Boston based Jewish educator and spiritual coach. For three decades, Layah has been sharing Jewish wisdom through engaging text study in Biblical literature and Midrash, through the lens of Kaballah. A research associate at the Hadassah Brandeis Institute, Layah is passionate about issues related to religion and gender and is the director of the Boston Agunah Taskforce, an organization focused on eliminating gender disparities in Jewish divorce practices. Layah serves as scholar in residence for spiritual retreats, trips to Israel, and lectures widely. She lives in Swampscott, MA and is the mother of six amazing human beings.
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Vilna Shul

The Vilna Shul is dedicated to preserving history by restoring our building and embracing the collective memories of the past, while simultaneously establishing ourselves as a significant community and cultural resource in Boston. By fostering awareness and inspiring historical, cultural and spiritual connections, we build community, perpetuate an enduring Jewish identity and create a vibrant future.
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