Should A Woman Be Humble?
“He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice ...
Why I Must March
I will be marching in the Women’s March on January 21, 2017 in Washington DC because I must. It is ...
Stories My Mother Never Told: My Bat Mitzvah Speech
“Stories My Mother Never Told” is a three-part blog series dedicated to re-envisioning what it can mean for parents and ...
The Modesty Wars
My favorite pastime in the summer is going to my local town pool. There I can sit in the sun, ...
I Wasn’t Asking For Your Opinion.
Over 18 ½ years ago I was chosen to be the first Congregational Intern at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale. ...
Camp Rabbi, Role Model, Match-Maker
This week rabbinic student Isaama Stoll is heading up to Camp Be’chol Lashon to teach Torah, pray and hang with other ...
Greek Burekas, A Treat at Shavuot or Year-Round
The Shavuot holiday is upon us. We celebrate our becoming a people committed to living the gift of receiving and ...
First Comes Love…Then Comes Rape?
So much of what Rabbi Steven Pruzansky (an Orthodox rabbi in Teaneck, New Jersey, who has a history of making ...
Out of Respect to Women
This past week I came across the most recent post on Rabbi Pruzansky’s blog about date rape culture on college ...