

Being Imperfect is Spiritual

I was moved recently in speaking with one of my new students in the Religious School hallway looking sad. I ...

4 Reasons Why We Are All Listening to Pope Francis

From the middle to the end of last week, I was having conversations about Pope Francis’ speeches each and every day ...

Our Quest for Holiness at the JOFA UK Conference

Although the official subtitle of last month’s London JOFA conference was “Reinforcing Tradition through Renewal,” what I took away from ...

How Do You Pray?

As a Jewish woman living in the South, who proudly identifies as a spiritual person, I am often engaged in ...

“Booyah”….This Too, Is Holy

This too is holy. The baseball stadium, that is. I know it is not only potentially cliché, but also possibly ...

Torah From Life, or Life From Torah?

One of the conversations that I had early in rabbinic school about how we connect to the wisdom of Torah ...

Overturning DOMA and the blessing of being seen

This morning I waited until the Supreme Court convened before posting here. Elation is the feeling that many of us ...
