

Are All Religions the Same?

I’ve always thought that Judaism best expresses the essence of all religions.Spoiler alert: I may have been wrong. But, hear ...

“God” and “Religion” Aren’t the Same

After all, since religion is a human endeavor, we have the power to change what it does.

Interfaith or Multicultural? Words Matter at a Wedding

Young statisticians in love. Can you imagine their wedding? If you do, please don’t imagine anything stuffy or stilted. Because ...

Who Am I? And Other Great Questions that Science and Religion Explore

Today I’m off to the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy in Byfield, MA. It is just an ...

Never Talk About These 2 Things at Your Dinner Table?

When I was growing up the common wisdom was, if possible, to avoid conversations of religion and politics around the dinner ...

Pope Francis is Wrong to Criticize Trump’s Faith

A few years ago I was a first-time guest on a news radio show on Detroit’s National Public Radio (NPR) ...

Going Beyond Walls with Fellow Clergy at the Kenyon Institute

This summer I went back to college. To be honest, it felt nothing like being on my own college campus ...

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

As an irrepressible, even relentless, optimist, I hold great hope for Jewish life in America. I wonder if that is because ...

Would Oliver Sacks Call Himself “Religious”?

Oliver Sacks is one of the most respected scientists today. The author of many best-selling books on the brain, he ...

Menorahs In The Public Square: A History

There’s something prominently displayed at the Mississippi Governor’s mansion: a nativity scene. Seeing it recently took me by surprise.When I ...
