rabbinical student
A Former Seminarian in Seminary, Mississippi
As a Mississippi transplant, Rabbi Matt Dreffin loves sharing his Jewish story—even when it's sometimes misunderstood.
The Next Generation of Trans Rabbis: A Conversation
Two trans rabbinical students sit down for a conversation about Jewish and trans identity.
Why I Enrolled in Yeshivat Maharat, the Orthodox Seminary for Women Clergy
A couple of nights ago, my family and I went to see “Finding Dory.“ In this charming sequel to “Finding Nemo,” the ...
Throwback Thursday: Texas for the Holidays
After the end of my two-year term as an ISJL Education Fellow, I moved back to Massachusetts to begin rabbinical ...
We’re Still Figuring Out What A Rabbi Looks Like
After you read this paragraph, close your eyes for a minute and picture a rabbi.Where is this rabbi?What is the ...