

Doctors and Matchmakers: A More Perfect Union?

Everybody wants the best for their children, especially when it comes to marriage. The choice of a spouse by a ...

Our Love Party: Inviting Community When Family Won’t Come

My Orthodox Jewish self, my fear and shame, my internalized homophobia could not fathom a way of bringing my relationship with my religion and my understanding of what God wants for me into marriage with a woman. It has taken me years of being out and going through heartbreak and growth to be in the place that I believe that God wants to be involved in my marriage to Mary. In order to be married in an authentic way, I need both my religious self and my queer self to be there.

From Facebook Likes to Real-World Love

Their love was evident to everyone who was there on that beautiful day in October when Yechochanan and Aminah Perkins ...

Can I Hear You Now?

“When the reception goes down, the volume goes up.” These were the sage words of one of my honored teachers ...

Intermarriage Is a Scapegoat

“My son-in-law is so lovely, and he and my daughter are very happy, and I’m happy for them. But he’s ...

When it Comes to Jewish Sexual Laws, It’s 3 Jews, 0 Opinions

Laws of family purity and sex should be private, but can they be too private?Some of this post contains adult ...

Why We Should Separate Civil and Religious Marriage. And Why We Shouldn’t.

Same sex marriage is now the law of the land. The Supreme Court’s ruling last week in Obergefell v. Hodges ...

Why I Did a 180 on “Kosher Soul”

A friend tipped me off to a new reality TV show that was about to begin publicizing its pilot episode. ...

Marching for My Mom, the Agunah

Last Sunday, March 22nd, a march was held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY in order to raise awareness of the ...

New Podcast Discusses the Intersection of Sex and Halakha

The first episode of “The Joy of Text” may make you blush. If it does, you’re likely its target audience. ...
