Charlottesville Feels Too Familiar
The hatred at the Unite the Right march was unacceptable - but not "unimaginable"
Why My Father Went to War
I had already seen the cover art of this week’s New Yorker magazine in a news feed, but when the ...
Fighting Cancer The Southern & Jewish Way
Two months ago, something unexpected happened: I found out that I had stage three cancer.Since then, my life has been ...
A Timely Poetic Discovery
We live in exciting times – but also trying times. Over the last year, in particular, I have observed and ...
A Generation of Profits
Dear Max Chan Zuckerberg, Welcome to this world! Now that you are old enough to read this letter, your father ...
Long Live Rock N’ Roll
“One great rock show can change the world.” – School of Rock Everyone’s been trying to find their way into ...
What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
As a rabbi who is blessed with the humbling privilege of leading her congregation, after the High Holy Days have ...
Gaining Furniture, Losing Fear: A Story of Philo-Semitism
When I first told people that I was moving to Mississippi to work for a Jewish organization, I received a ...
Painful Hope
I had no idea that the day I met Ali Abu Awwad would signal a radical turning point in my ...
A Hundred Thousand Miracles
I cannot remember the last time I switched on the news—be it on the television or the radio—or glanced at a newspaper headline ...