

Creating Spaces for Queer, Jewish Families

Reflections from Keshet's families with young children coordinator.

Judaism for Singles or for Families?

I’m getting married next week. Most of the wedding planning is done (but, oy, the table assignments, they continue to ...

Coming Out to Grandma

I never thought of myself as the type to lie to my grandmother. She’s always been my biggest fan. When ...

How My Jewish Grandma Came to Embrace My Gay Marriage

We’re excited to share this story of acceptance from Kveller! If you’re the parent  (or grandparent!) of an LGBT child ...

My Many Southern Jewish Families

For my family, like many Jewish families, holidays play an important role in our life. Holidays are the times when ...

T’u B’Av: A Day of Love

Sarah is barren, Rachel is barren, Rivka is barren. As a single man, I too am barren, unable to conceive ...

The Flamingo Rampant Book Club

At Keshet we know how important it is to provide diverse resources for families. Last year we worked with author Elisabeth ...

Bully on the Bimah: Bar Mitzvah, No Matter What?

Picture this: a really mean kid.A kid who spends each day at school calling others names, like fat and loser. ...

Transmission of Torah: For Jews Only?

According to the National Jewish Population Survey, there are approximately 1.5 million non-Jews helping to raise Jewish families in the ...

Assimilation and Romanticizing the Past

My paternal grandparents lived across from a canal in Long Beach on Long Island. We went to their house every ...
