Chief Rabbi


Rabbi Elected to National Office in Africa

Yes, it’s true. The Chief Rabbi of Uganda has been elected to parliament in his home country. A remarkable feat ...

Is there a MOFA (Muslim Orthodox Feminist Alliance)?

This past week, I listened to a Public Radio interview with Humaira Awais Shahid, a Muslim woman who is a Pakistani ...

Limmud-Gate and Learning to Debate With Love

The following d’var torah was given by Lindsay Simmonds at the first UK partnership minyan in November. To find out ...

The Demise of the Chief Rabbinate

In the spring of 1921, Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook became the first Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel ...

Who speaks for Judaism?

As an ex-pat British Jew, living and working in the USA, I’ve been following the press coverage on the search ...
