The Man With The Swastika Tattoo
The story of an unexpected bus encounter en route to Mississippi
Why I Wear My Kippah More Now
On outwardly religious apparel in the post-Charlottesville world.
Theology in a Time of Anti-Semitism
Paying attention to dreams is an ancient Jewish spiritual practice. Our biblical ancestors Isaac and Jacob dreamed of God. Jacob’s ...
How Scared Should I Be?
I have been debating this question a lot over the past month. The Jewish Community Center where my daughter attends ...
Rent A … What?
The sharp increase in hate crimes in the United States doesn’t happen in a vacuum – and I think it’s ...
Saying No to Silencing: The Jewish Duty to Speak Out
Spirituality is biography. Jewish spirituality and Jewish biography both demand a duty to speak out, reject silencing, and stand up against any ...
Reconciliation Within the Family and Beyond the Family
The Book of Genesis is nothing if not a story of dysfunctional families.Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Hagar, Sarah ...
Antisemitism And Our New Political Reality
When I studied for my PhD in Jewish studies, I often had occasion to engage with antisemitism as a historical ...
A Kavannah on White Privilege
I see the sirens appear in my rearview mirror as if out of nowhere. I quickly scan the road ahead ...
For My Camper, Ezra Schwartz
As I approached the Temple Sinai of Sharon, Massachusetts the words of King David’s Psalms could be heard from the ...