

Transgender 101

What you need to know to be welcoming and inclusive.

At Passover & Always: On Freedom, Religion… And Welcoming Everyone

Sometimes, being Southern and Jewish means raising our voice. The Board of Directors of the Institute of Southern Jewish Life ...

Back to School: Supporting your Transgender Child

New schools, classmates, and teachers can cause anxiety as the school year is getting ready to start. As parents, we ...

Back to School: Help Bring Social Justice & LGBTQ Equality to the Classroom

September is just around the corner, which means a new academic year is approaching. But schools aren’t always the ideal ...

Fighting for our Sacred Center

Yesterday, around the world, we Jews observed Tisha B’Av, a day of grieving the historical destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, ...

#Blacklivesmatter Starts with the Soul

As I look at the headlines, I see continuing fallout from police killing another black man, this time in Baltimore. ...

Joining Hands, Marching Together

Last week we celebrated Passover. The Seders I attended called me to think about Mitzrayim, the narrow places where people are still oppressed.I thought about the ...

My Seder Plate Has Cinnamon

There are several ways that LGBTQ Jews can be symbolically honored during the Passover seder. The orange on the seder ...

An Open Letter to Tom and Transgender Teens Everywhere

Last week the story of Tom Chai Sosnik, a teenager that came out as transgender at Tehiyah Day School, his ...

Lucky to Have Two Mommies

Earlier this month an article entitled Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting hit the web and was widely circulated. The author compared ...
