Parashat Beha'alotcha

Cultivated Cravings

Not letting desires frustrate us.

Our Covenantal Responsibilities

This week's portion reminds us of our sacred obligations to those who are still languishing in oppression.

The Trumpet Blasts

The sound of the shofar can mobilize us and help us consider the path ahead.

Sometimes There Are Second Chances

Of "Second Passover," Rabbi Akiva and adult bat mitzvahs.

Jews March On

The verses recited when the ark (and today the Torah) was carried remind us of our own restless wanderings.

Beyond Fear

Social justice as a sacred communal obligation

Craving Perspective

The closer we are to God, the more we are able to put our cravings into perspective.

Trying To Remember The Reason I Forgot

Being constantly engaged in learning allows us to guard against the pervasive forgetfulness around us.

Leaving Childhood Behind

The specific complaints of the Israelites in the wilderness illustrate their inability to develop mature, adult relationships.

The Connection And Stability Of Blessing

Parashat Beha'alotcha illustrates three paths of achieving meaning in life.