
Eldridge Street Synagogue Reviewed

For more than 20 years, the Eldridge Street Project worked to restore the landmark Eldridge Street Synagogue on New York’s ...

The Real Ron Paul

Yesterday I wrote that no politician in his or her right mind would do anything “bad for the Jews.” Not ...

Dead Sea Scrolls

Ancient documents give a glimpse into Second Temple life.

External Texts

A bibliographical summary of Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.

Hillel Finally Recognized

This week Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life announced that it has been made a full member of the ...

Ancient Jewish Texts

This is an overview of ancient texts that came after the bible but before rabbinic literature.

NYTimes on Rabbi Berenbaum

Yesterday I noted the passing of Mir rosh yeshivah, Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum. The New York Times obituary cites the AP ...

Who’s Better for the Jews?

It’s primary day in New Hampshire, and it seems the whole country is (and rightfully should be) talking about who ...

Can Secularism Save Judaism

In response to PBS’s new series chronicling Jewish Americans, Jonathan Sarna has an essay on “On Faith” that examines the reemergence ...

Chabad Messianism & Conversion

Recent stories about conversion standards in Israel have revolved around halakhic observance (or the lack thereof), but an interesting case ...

OU Condemns Hate Speech

Kudos to the Orthodox Union for swiftly condemning Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe’s public remarks that Israeli leaders Ehud Omert, Tzipi ...

Lantos to Retire

Congressman Tom Lantos has announced that he’ll be retiring because of illness. Lantos is the only Holocaust survivor ever elected ...