Do Apples Even Grow in Germany?

Herman Rosenblatt has become famous for his amazing story of how he met his wife. He claimed that while he was a child prisoner is a sub camp at Buchenwald, a young girl, later his wife, would throw apples over the fence, allowing him to survive the Holocaust.

Very touching story. Very touching, UNTRUE, story. That’s right. Rosenblatt, who’s story has spawned a movie that is in the works, has come out with a statement admitting that the story of how he met his wife was made up. Let me guess, the title for the movie is going to be called Jakob the Liar II.

This is what Rosenblatt had to say:

Why did I do that and write the story with the girl and the apple, because I wanted to bring happiness to people, to remind them not to hate, but to love and tolerate all people. I brought good feelings to a lot of people, and I brought hope to many. My motivation was to make good in this world.

Oprah once called Rosenblatt’s story the “greatest love story of all time.” She also loved that Million Little Pieces guy. Plus she got fat again.  Bad luck all around. At least she supported that Obama dude.

The story seems fishy from the start. How can Germany be bombed to smithereens yet still be a hotbed for apple orchards in Europe?

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